【新樂園藝術空間第十二期成員招募】Call for the 12th Artist Member of SLY Art Space


  • 2016/01/27
  • 1994年底籌備成立、1995年開始運作的新樂園藝術空間,已即將邁入第二十個年頭。本著每一期重新招募成員,加入新成員以活絡空間內容的精神,再次展開第十二期新成員的招募。第十二期除維持接受以單一個人、多數個人(至多三人)或團體為單位之申請,新增「策展」形式的申請項目,詳細辦法請參閱招募簡章。

    第十二期運作期程按往例仍為兩年:自2016年9月至2018年8月止,由成員分擔空間的共同支出,並輪流舉辦個展、座談會,以及參與各項空間的活動。有興趣加入者,請於2016年3月5日(六)前,將個人創作資料ppt檔與展覽計畫書(含電子檔與紙本;動態影像請以DVD格式燒錄光碟) 以郵寄方式,或親送至新樂園藝術空間,收件截止日以郵戳為憑,逾收件截止日下午八點恕不受理。由當期成員選出新成員。歡迎將此招募訊息廣為流布、告知諸親好友、同事、學生…

    ※招募說明會: 2016年2月20日(六) 下午 3:00於新樂園藝術空間





    ※Call for 12th Artist member of SLY art pace(Application Form)




    若有疑問,請於開放時間內來電新樂園 02-2561-1548 詹小姐


    ※Call for 12th Artist member of SLY art pace(Application Form)


    {Who can apply}

    If you are:

    artist / curator / researcher / culture worker/ arts professional

    open for all age, gender, media, and nationality 

    {Running Period}

    2 years. (Sep. 2016~Aug. 2018)

    {How to apply} 

    Please send the following materials by postal mail to SLY ART SPACE before 5 Mar.2016.(1F., No.15-2, Ln. 11, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

    1. Application form

    2. Project plan within one page of A4

    3. Resume and portfolio via power point file.

    ** All informations that mentioned above should be copied on a CD and printed on papers.

    {Membership Fee}

    $48,000 NT./ per scheduled show.

    It depends on the showing mode you choose, it means if you'd like to have a solo show yourself, you have to pay the full amount, and if you agree to share the space with someone, the amount should  be divided. 

    {Dead line of application}

    5 Mar.2016(Sat.) (the postmark act as proof)

    ※We will have a Recruitment orientation on 20 Feb.2016 PM3:00


    We will notify the result around the end of Mar. 2016.