Say Cheese to Art Museum入鏡美術館

  • 12-16
  • [展 名]
    Say Cheese to Art Museum入鏡美術館
  • [藝術家]
  • [展 期 ]
    2017/11/25 ~ 2017/12/17
  • [開 幕]
  • [座談會]
  • [展 述]







    最後,本展覽「歡迎拍照」( Say cheese )!

    Do you take pictures in art museums?

    Observation and the act of gazing are the first steps of appreciating art. In our contemporary world where each person has a smartphone in hand, the cell phone and camera has become an extension of sight, transforming personal appreciation into collective viewing through the integration of the internet and social media. This has brought forth drastic changes in the way we visit exhibitions. Previously, exhibition visitors appreciate works through the naked eye, but now, it has been replaced by the “machine eye,” which extends the experience to collective viewing on social media, with each “like” and “#hashtag” representing the assembly of varying experiences. Amid this trend, the art museum’s attitude towards taking pictures has gradually shifted from banning photography to an open and encouraging approach.


    From the viewpoint of the observed (in this case, artworks), contemporary artworks are constantly attempting to escape single viewpoints, emphasizing multivariate interpretations and stressing the perception of the senses. This mindset makes exhibitions, even the art museum as a whole, more photogenic. Also, these visiting experiences filled with sensory stimulations are spread farther to more people, forming a connection not only between the visitor and exhibition but also between the visitor and other viewers. Here, the act of taking pictures and social media take up an important role.

    The art museum: From the gaze within the white cube to a sense of participation in contemporary art.

    The phenomenon of visitors taking pictures while visiting exhibitions marks a turning point in our ways of seeing, in addition to revealing a new path for exhibition discourse. Apart from official recordings by the institution, artworks are given new life and vitality through an “exhibition archive” formed through different personal photography habits and methods. This also indicates that images have become one of the main media for spreading messages in our contemporary world, where people bring their habit of documenting everyday life into the realm of art museums. As a source of aesthetic inspiration, art museums should also respond to the public’s expectations regarding contemporary visual culture.

    This exhibition focuses on the issue of photography within art museums and invites viewers to self-analyze their own behavior of photography. Through displaying a series of images collected through the internet before the exhibition, this event presents the moment when viewers see and interact with artworks. Also, this exhibition will discuss the rationality of allowing photography within exhibitions from the perspective of the art museum and talk over various incidents of photography throughout recent years. Furthermore, this exhibition has also designed numerous interactive events with hopes that apart from texts, images of the exhibition will also be logged in the memory of visitors.

    Last but not least, say cheese!

    (Visitors are welcome to take pictures throughout this exhibition)

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