Walking at night


  • 11-3
  • [展 名]
    Walking at night
  • [藝術家]
  • [展 期 ]
    2014/11/08 ~ 2014/11/30
  • [開 幕]
  • [展 述]




  • [主辦單位]


  • TOP
  • [Artists]
    Yi Ru Chen
  • [Duration]
    2014/11/08 ~ 2014/11/30
  • [Opening Reception]
  • [Description]

    My works are all came from the pieces of my daily life. To experience those true existing that surround us, those pieces may seem intimate to us, yet still keep their distance. As for those pieces that I collected from all the places where I had been through, I have become both an observer and a collector, since each pieces are independent existence. I have always been using color blocks to create images. By deconstructing colors in reality and rebuild them after homogenization, the pieces which I collected from daily life will once again return and such circle is very natural to me.

  • [Organizer]