掠影 - 2019 范晏暖個展


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    掠影 - 2019 范晏暖個展
  • [藝術家]
  • [展 期 ]
    2019/09/06 ~ 2019/09/22
  • [開 幕]
  • [展 述]

    掠影 - 2019 范晏暖個展


    期 :

    2019.09.06 (五) - 09.22 (日)

    幕 :

    2019.09.07 15:00   演講: (另訂)

    地  點 :

    新樂園藝術空間 SLY art space

    藝術家 :

    范晏暖  (大葉大學造形藝術系教授)



    空間資訊 : 臺北市中山北路二段 11 巷 15-2 號 1 樓


    開放時間|13:00 ~20:00 (週三~日)


    電話 : (02)2561-1548


    網址 : http://www.slyartspace.com


    (本空間榮獲 臺北市文化局維護贊助 國家藝術基金會營運贊助 文化部計畫贊助)



    作品說明 : 傳道書 (節錄)










    我看到了我的手所做的所有作品,以及我一直在努力做的一切; 我看到一切都沒有目的和對風的渴望,在陽光下沒有利潤。


    然後我看到智慧比愚蠢的方式更好 - 因為光比黑暗更好。




    對於他滿意的人,上帝賜予智慧,知識和喜樂; 但是對於罪人來說,他把把貨物放在一起並儲存財富的工作,給予上帝有樂趣的人。這再次是沒有目的和對風的渴望。




    Glimmer       2019 FAN, Yen-Nuan solo exhibition


    Date: 2019.09.06 (Fri.) - 09.22 (Sun.)


    Opening: 2019.09.07      15:00      speech : (undecided)


    Location: SLY art space


    Artist: FAN, Yen-Nuan (Professor in DYU)



    Information : 1st Floor, No. 15-2, 11th Lane, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei, SLY Art Space


    Opening hours | 13:00 ~ 20:00 (Wed. ~ Sun.) Tel : (02)2561-1548


    Website : http://www.slyartspace.com


    Description of works : Ecclesiastes (Excerpt)


    What is the value of life?


    The evangelist said: The void of the void, the void of the void, everything is empty.


    Everything I see under the sun is nothing but a wind.


    I also concentrate on the wisdom, the arrogance, and the ignorance. I know that this is also the wind.


    I saw all the works that my hands have done, and everything I have been trying to do; I see that everything has no purpose and a desire for the wind, no profit in the sun.


    Then I saw that wisdom is better than stupidity - because light is better than darkness.


    In that wise man, like a stupid person, there is never a memory, and people who see the present will disappear from memory in the days to come.


    For those who are satisfied with him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy; but for sinners, he gives the work of putting goods together and storing wealth to those who have fun with God. This again has no purpose and a desire for the wind.


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