
  • 11-24
  • [展 名]
  • [藝術家]
  • [展 期 ]
    2016/08/05 ~ 2016/08/28
  • [開 幕]
  • [展 述]


    Narratives that patterns play with each other, as visual representations, as well as with different materials, surfaces and the spaces surrounding us (interiors, outdoors, bodies and objects) – these are the topics that inspire my artistic and academic researches. My topics also include human and environmental scales and proportions, colors, expressive markmaking techniques, development of conceptual narratives, manual and digital printing techniques and the creation of emotional atmospheres provided by the interactions between patterns and spaces.

    Printed patterns are portable gardens that bring a lush of vitality to our lives.

    Due to spending many years living in Japan, my aesthetic sensibility became indelibly marked by the Japanese aesthetics, as well as by their traditional and popular cultures, including Shintoism, Zen Buddhism, Noh and Kabuki, and the concepts of impermanence, ambiguity, mono no aware, kimo-kawa, etc. Living in Taiwan for three years now, I`ve been looking to experiencing the Chinese traditional culture and the contemporary Taiwanese way of life, in its wide variety of colors, textures, smells and tastes, festivals and traditions, and the storm of resulting interpretations, misunderstandings and happy discoveries that eventually come about out of this curious view on living in a culture different from my own.

    Like a cook in the kitchen, I enjoy mixing and matching concepts and visual elements, stirring my Brazilian and German cultures with all the Asian influences that came to mark my adult life for a period of ten years, so far, thus allowing me to exercise my sensibility with myriad inspirations otherwise unavailable where not for this direct live experience. As a result, a broader understanding of myself and humanity is slowly but steadily opening up, hopefully helping myself to cross my remaining path in this journey of life, as both an artist and a human being.

    展期Duration:2016.8.5(Fri.) ~ 2016.8.28(Sun.)
    開幕Reception:2016.8.6 (Sat.) 18:00
    地點 Venue:新樂園藝術空間 SLY Art Space
    藝術家導覽Artist Talk:2016.8.20(Sat.)18:00
  • [主辦單位]

    新樂園藝術空間 SLY Art Space

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