Wandering × Intervening : Hyper-Limit in 4D

  • 11-23
  • [展 名]
    Wandering × Intervening : Hyper-Limit in 4D
  • [藝術家]
  • [展 期 ]
    2016/07/09 ~ 2016/07/31
  • [開 幕]
  • [座談會]
  • [與談人]
  • [展 述]

    Curation Topic

     “Limit” transcends the norms of time and space, “closing” the blurriness of boundary points and using “concepts” to define imaginations of this term. Thus “four dimensional” goes beyond the typical three dimensional point of view.  Along the time axis, one discovers an invisible side. This work sits between two schools of thought - an explosion of art, interlocked and situated at the point of convergence to push the limits of creativity. 

    Curation Idea

    Using “temporality” to penetrate the entire theme, the idea is to go beyond typical associations with the term “retention”, thereby using time, space, the cultural arena or the interlocking of physical boundaries to “approach” this term’s definition. Using nomadic wandering documentary descriptions, and intervening actions, the artist is using mixed visuals, the body, thoughts, space and time limits, and the imaginative “temporal” limit to derive unexpected outcomes. It uses this perspective to reverse the stated laws between time and space, and produce a fourth dimension.   

    In George Bataille’s discourse on chaos theory, he states that people have a hidden potential desire to swing from a state of daily routines to a statelessness of desires. When one is liberated from this desire, one can receive great joy. Thus, the wandering and intervening stage is introduced through a two-part process - Part I: Wandering Hyper-limit and Part II: Intervening hyper-limit. The front and back stages are formed by white box spaces with intervention from outside spaces. By comparing the structure and the openness, one can derive at the artist’s extreme escape from spatial form, the piece and the environment’s direct call and answer, the way a message is instantly circulated….From the liberal changes in the field, the creator’s imagination towards the extreme limits of space and time are invoked. 

  • [主辦單位]

    Waley Art

    Sly Art Space

  • [贊助單位]



    Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government. 

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