
  • 6-15
  • [展 名]
  • [藝術家]
  • [展 期 ]
    2005/05/28 ~ 2005/06/19
  • [開 幕]
  • [展 述]


    對於「時間/痕跡」的眷戀描繪一直是陳松志創作中持續關注的面向,《界 2005》、《背部空間-系列》、《無題 2005-系列》藉以粗劣(鄙)的媒材/手法,來建構一個看似簡約又夾雜著極繁情感的頹靡/荒謬空間,當科技引領人類走向高畫質(Hi-Fi)的視窗,在其的創造過程中,確以幾近粗劣(Low-Fi)的途徑來背離當代的審美慣性,嘗試在「醜陋美學」的認知上提供觀著新的感官經驗,其創作中顯見年輕世代存在現實,反觀既往的荒謬衝突,創作透過這種微觀的角度來處發處在機械世代的人們,在其建構的壓縮時空中,尋找那逐漸被忽略的生活片段/記憶,從陳松志的創作發展看來儘管媒材迥異,然而不變的是作品不斷地找尋、釋放那失落的人性與體溫。此次展出名為「第七卷」意視創作為其個人的心情雜記,「卷」彷彿為生活中的記錄篇章,透過作品,在此平淡無奇的生活中尋找人性、物體醜態下的殘存美感,這美來自於自然法則的毀落,這美是來自於消耗後的殘狀,這美也可能是來自暴力後的痕跡……當時間一週七天規律的行進著,一天一卷……,第七卷是一個結束也即將是另一個開始,「第七卷」在此展開新舊交替,初生於毀落的矛盾之界。

  • [主辦單位]


  • [贊助單位]

    財團法人國家文化藝術基金會 行政贊助

  • TOP
  • [Artists]
  • [Duration]
    2005/05/28 ~ 2005/06/19
  • [Opening Reception]
  • [Description]


    The depiction of attachment to “time/vestige” has been a focus of Song-Jei Chen, who is skilled in utilizing the materials that portray the opposition between the industrial civilization and natural organisms to manifest how people in the mechanical period survive the changing environment and introspect. Chen often uses crude media or techniques to construct an absurd space with concise design mixed with complicated emotions. As technology guides the human to hi-fi window, the creation was completed in a rather low-fi approach to detach from the conventional appreciation of beauty. It offers a new experience to the audience on “deformation aesthetics. The work portrays the really existed in the younger generation and reflected the existing absurdity and conflict. The artist inspired the audience in the mechanical period through different sensory paths (vision, smell, and touch) to seek out the subtle feeling that faded from their memories in the compressed space. Although the media used for Chen’s works varied, his determination and attention to “the warmth of humanity” persisted.


    Chen song-jei, born in 1978 in Taiwan, graduated from Tainan National University of the Arts. Graduate institute of Plastic Arts (M.F.A). Since 1999, Chen began his career as the 4th annual residential artist of theStock 20 in Taichung railway station art network of the railway warehouse, Taipei artist village 2005 international artist program. Taishin Arts Award- Visual Arts Top7 (2004), Taipei Arts Award Best-selected (2003), SAN art creativity Sponsored Reward of SAN Foundation (2002), Best-selected Installation art in Taiwan Japan International Haulm Cultural Festival (2001), Best-selected of mix media art in Juming Art Best-selected in International Paper art (1999). In 2001 Chen has a solo exhibition at ”showplace” art space, and participated many important group exhibitions in Taiwan. 

  • [Organizer]
  • [Sponsor]